Bend – redmond – madras – sunriver – terrebonne – sisters – prineville

Central Oregon Home Inspection

Get an Inspection from a Pro

COHI offers premium Home Inspections from a Professionally trained Home Inspector. We go above and beyond the Standards of Practice to make sure we are protecting you against financial and physical harm. With easy-to-read reports using Spectora software, you can instantly see defects, and photos as well as video to help guide you through the closing process and coming to resolution. Our Home Inspection Reports are always delivered on the same day as the inspection.

How Our Inspections Work



After a thorough inspection of the home, you will receive a detailed, easy to read report including photos and videos of any defects that are observed during the Home Inspection, following and surpassing the Internachi and Oregon CCB Standards of practice for Residential Home Inspection.



We always provide a completely free over the phone or in person post-inspection consultation. You will be provided details about the report, how to maintain your home, and answers to any questions or concerns you may have. Come up with another question after the consultation? No problem. Feel free to email, text or call us, and we are always happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Home Inspection?

A Home Inspection is a visual observation of the safety and functionality of almost every system that is in a residence. This includes Plumbing, Heating/Cooling, Electrical Panels, Outlets and Switches; the Roof, Siding, Foundation, and just about everything in between. A Home Inspector is hired to investigate whether there are any issues with these systems, and whether a specialist such as a Plumber or HVAC Technician, needs to make repairs in order to keep the home safe and functional. If such an issue arises, this is called a “defect”, and it will be stated in the report that the Inspector recommends evaluation by a specialist.

What’s the most common Defect?

Every home has different weak points, but a very common defect that is detected in a Home Inspection is water damage. Water intrusion can damage drywall, venting, the framing of the house, electrical systems and more. Improper sealing of trim can damage siding on the exterior, and water underneath the home can cause mold growth, or settlement issues in the foundation.

Can I request a change in schedule?

Home inspection appointments can be canceled or rescheduled without penalty if the inspector is notified with at least 48 hours notice.

How is payment processed?

When your inspection is scheduled, you will receive an email containing a link which will allow you to pay with a credit or debit card, or bank transfer. You may also choose to pay with cash or check. Payment must be received prior, or during the Home Inspection, to receive the Home Inspection Report

How long do Home Inspections take?

It depends on the age of the home, the size of the home, and the amount of defects that are present in the home. In most cases, our Home Inspections take 2-4 hours to complete. In any case, our reports are always submitted to the customer on the same day as the Home Inspection.

Need further assistance?

Unsure about something? Get in touch with us for a personalized consultation.

Why You Should Get a Home Inspection for Any Home, New or Old

Buying a house is one of the single most important decisions we make in our lives next to choosing a partner, and having children. So wouldn’t it make sense to protect yourself against a potential money-pit, or even worse, a hazard that might injure you or your family? That is exactly why you should absolutely get a Home Inspection on any home, new or old.

Home Inspectors at COHI are Professionally trained to investigate the safety and functionality of your potential home, and know exactly what to look for that may cause financial or physical harm to you and your family. New homes are NOT immune to having defects; in fact, newer home construction can be so rushed that the quality of the build is actually lower than older homes. So as a buyer, wouldn’t you want to spot these problems before you close? In most cases, the Seller will actually cover the cost of the repairs in an effort to keep the closing process moving. On the chance that you may be doing big repairs, it certainly makes financial sense to invest in a Home Inspection, rather than be stuck with the bill yourself.

The average price of Home in Central Oregon in 2024 is about $600,000. The price of a Home Inspection is $445-$545. That’s .07% of the price of your home for a detailed report on the health of every system of your potential home; plus, the leverage to get the Seller to fix any small problems before they get bigger. That is some serious value!